Water Provider Incentives

Water provider incentives- save up to £722 per plot.

What is it?

Anglian Water and Severn Trent have launched schemes to incentivise water efficient new homes.
The saving is provided through free or subsidised infrastructure charges. (The fee to connect to mains and drainage networks.)

This can save up to £722 per home.

Both schemes apply only to new build homes where a new connection is required.

How can I apply?

Both schemes require a water calculation to define how much water will be used within the home. You will need to know the following:

•    Roof area
•    Location
•    Occupancy
•    Rainwater Harvesting use (toilets, washing machine, garden.)
•    An idea of taps, toilets, baths, showers, dishwashers that will be used.

By using a rainwater harvesting system your development should easily meet the required criteria. During specification, our sales team can assist with this calculation process.

Once the water saving criteria can be displayed, results can be sent to the water provider for the waiver to be confirmed.

More information – Anglian Water.

“If a new home uses innovative technology such as rainwater harvesting and water efficient showers, which help the occupants to reduce their consumption to 100 litres a day, then we will discount the infrastructure charges for that connection. Currently, that means a discount of £722 per connection for dual service areas.”

Full information from Anglian Water Click Here

More information – Severn Trent.

Developments must show that they have built to 110 litres or less of water per person per day they could get a 100% discount on the water infrastructure charge.

You can also qualify for either a 75% or 100% discount on the sewerage infrastructure charge by showing  that a surface water connection is via a sustainable drainage system (such as Rain Activ) or that there is no surface water connection at all (using a soak away).

Full information from Severn Trent Click Here

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